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Q&A with Kobi Ben Meir

Exclusive Trusted Magazine Q&A with Kobi Ben Meir, Founder of

How could you describe your career path in few words?

A seasoned marketer, my journey began with a background in software development before I found my passion for more dynamic roles that drive brands forward. An important milestone was co-founding Edge Funder, an AI-powered alternative business financing platform. As Chief Product Officer, I spearheaded a solution tailored to market needs, leading to a successful exit in 2021. Adapting to industry shifts and learning novel approaches are vital components of my career growth. My experience and insights inspired me to write 'Marketing on Fleek', a resource designed to guide peers and those entering the field. I also regularly contribute to Forbes Councils and Entrepreneur Magazine, sharing my knowledge and perspectives with a wider audience. Throughout my career, I have received over 15 awards and recognitions, including being named one of the Top 80 US Marketers by B2B Marketing in 2022. My goal is to empower business owners by providing transparent, high-quality resources to help them prosper. As I continue to expand my agency, Marketing Trailblazer, I'm excited about the future. Driven by a vision to achieve more personal and professional milestones, I am committed to delivering outstanding results for my clients and contributing to the ever-evolving field of marketing.

What are the highlights of the key digital innovation trends for 2022? Can you give us some major examples?

In 2022, we saw the emergence and growth of several key digital innovation trends. AI streamlined business processes, powering everything from chatbots to advanced marketing strategies. Machine Learning, a branch of AI, brought efficiencies to sectors from healthcare to finance, aiding diagnosis and improving investment decisions. Blockchain provided new ways to securely store and track data, improving transparency in everything from supply chain management to voting systems. The Metaverse was a fascinating development, blending VR, AR, and blockchain to build virtual worlds for work, play, and retail. Yet, it's still early days - the true potential of the metaverse will become clearer as the technology evolves.

Additionally, the continued rise of Remote Work pushed the evolution of digital collaboration tools, while increased digital dependency drove innovation in Cybersecurity, with techniques such as Zero Trust architectures becoming more prevalent. These were the critical trends that shaped our digital landscape in 2022, and we can expect their influence to continue driving exciting developments in the years ahead.

Based on your experiences, what are the impactful trends in digital innovation that are becoming more important in the context of 2023?

In 2023, several key digital trends are shaping our world, with AI leading the charge. It's automating tasks and refining decisions, influencing sectors from customer support to healthcare and finance.

In particular, AI combined with enhanced Cybersecurity measures is fortifying our defenses against threats such as ransomware attacks and data breaches. The blend of AI and Cybersecurity is fostering a safer digital environment, providing us with smarter and more adaptive protection measures. Simultaneously, Web3 is starting to redefine our online interactions, championing security, privacy, and decentralization, especially in finance. This shift towards Web3, backed by the power of AI and secured by advanced Cybersecurity, is driving a more secure, efficient, and user-centered digital landscape. These trends aren't merely shaping our present; they're actively constructing our future, promising further innovation and exciting disruptions.

In your opinion, how can they create high value for organizations?

In my opinion, AI can create high value for organizations in several key areas:

  • Efficiency and Automation: AI enhances operational efficiency by automating routine tasks. This not only saves time and resources but also enables teams to focus on strategic initiatives, driving business growth and innovation.

  • Data Analysis: AI's prowess in analyzing and interpreting vast data sets is transformative. It allows businesses to anticipate trends and make proactive, data-driven decisions. The resultant improvements in services and products can lead to increased customer satisfaction and revenue growth.

  • Content Creation: AI's role in content creation is another high-value area. It allows for scalability, consistent branding, and fast output, enabling businesses to effectively reach larger audiences, solidify their brand, and swiftly adapt to market changes.

  • Human Factor: AI can handle repetitive tasks, allowing employees to concentrate on what humans do best - empathetic customer interactions, strategic thinking, and creative problem-solving. This balance between human and machine can lead to enhanced customer satisfaction and business innovation.

  • Risk Assessment and Underwriting: In sectors like insurance and finance, AI's capability to swiftly and comprehensively assess risk leads to more accurate underwriting decisions. This can minimize losses and maximize profitability.

To sum up, AI can provide transformative value across an organization. It can lead to significant cost savings, boost revenue growth, and promote business innovation. Each of these factors contributes to a stronger, more competitive organization in an ever-evolving market landscape.

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