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Q&A with Sasha Knott, CEO @ Job Crystal

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

Exclusive Trusted Magazine Q&A with Sasha Knott, CEO @ Job Crystal

How could you describe your career path in few words ?

I would describe my career path as ‘hindsight is the best view’. My career started as a waitress (due to my parents stopping my pocket money), then moving into IT as a Programmer (because I didn’t know what degree to do) and then the Entrepreneurship bug bit so I combined the customer service lessons, with my IT knowledge to ensure our business thrives.

What was your most challenging experience and it has changed your mindset ?

I was retrenched back in 2008 and had to search for a job over 6 months. It was soul destroying yet taught me that you need to get out of bed each day, work hard and opportunities will come knocking. Hindsight again as I needed to go through this to know how to make candidates lives easier when job searching.

What’s the most important key success factor for you based on your experience ?

I would say grit, I know its quite an overused word lately but it is so true. My first word was loyalty, but then I said no hard work and then I said no sticking it out – it all comes down to grit, a word that encompasses all of these verbs! Work hard, be loyal and stick it out – have some grit and success will come.

What would be the major pitfall that may undermine the success of a leader ?

For me the biggest pitfall is dishonesty, being dishonest to your clients, team or yourself would undermine all that you have built. At the end of the day all you have is your reputation – ensure you keep it in tact.

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