Exclusive Trusted Magazine Q&A with Shaima Almeer, Space Data Analyst @ Bahrain National Space Science Agency

How could you describe your career path in few words?
My journey started at the year of 23, when I was about to graduate from Bahrain Polytechnic with a bachelor’s degree in information and communication technology. As I was embarking on my final semester at Bahrain Polytechnic, I joined the Bahrain Islamic Bank as a project intern. Baring the fact that my mission is to integrate the latest technologies to serve Bahrain in different ways, I pitched a unique project; BisB AI-Agent. I developed a robot that impersonates a customer service employee, by which I was title as the “First Robotics Programmer in Bahrain”. Consequently, I pitched another project idea to a hospital, which is a smart mirror that connects patients to the outside world via Internet of Things. This project enabled me to obtain another title; “Bahraini Pioneering Women in Technology”.
Consequently, I applied to the National Space Science Agency by which I was required to pass all prerequisites, interviews, and exams. Luckily, I was able to become a Space Data Analyst at the age of 23.
What does it feel like to be one of the pioneering women in the Bahrain National Space Science Agency?
I am extremely proud of being a member of the Bahrain’s Space Team at the National Space Science Agency, especially that I have achieved this dream at a young age. I have always worked on projects that integrates the latest technologies, as I always wanted to serve the country and make an actual difference in the Kingdom. Now that I am part of NSSA I feel like I can finally give back to my country and to our leaders, as they have made us an integral part of Bahrain’s vision.
On the other hand, this would not have been possible without the support and guidance provided by my parents, grandparents, and the rest of the family members. Also, I would not have reached to this level if it was not for the unlimited support of NSSA top management and the knowledge provided by Bahrain Polytechnic and every single tutor there.
As a women what was your most challenging experience, and it has changed your mindset?
The most challenging part of all this is that for the past centuries we have been used to the fact that the technological fields can only be occupied by men. But within the past three to five years this has quite changed in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Bahrain’s government are trying their best to empower women through technology and engineering. There has been several summits and events that aims in empowering and exposing women who are talented and ambitious in those fields. Also, the Supreme Council for Women led by Shaikha Sabika bint Ibrahim Al-Khalifa have been playing a huge role on shedding lights on talented Bahraini's. This kind of support has changed my mindset and has been allowing me to move forward and inject my innovation skills in any field probable, as I highly believe that both genders face the same challenges trying to reach to their desired positions as they must prove that they deserve it.
Based on your experience, what’s the key success factor for a female leader?
In my opinion, the key to success is to follow your passion and instincts, even though it may scare you, but trust me, the best view comes from the highest climb. Society might try to discourage you from your passion, but never ever let society determine who you are or who you can be. Never allow anyone to underestimate your capabilities and keep chasing your dreams. Because if you do not work on your dreams, you’ll start working on someone else’s dreams. Therefore, even if you fail once, twice, and thrice, never give up, for if you believe in your dream, you will eventually make it through at the end. And every single time you think of giving up, just remember why you first started!