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Photo du rédacteurTrusted Magazine

Inspirational Q&A with Yusr Sabra

Dernière mise à jour : 11 nov. 2021

Trusted Magazine: How could you describe your career path is few words ?

Yusr Sabra: I graduated with an Electrical Engineering degree and worked as an Operations and Maintenance area supervisor for 7 years - a job I loved and learned a lot on. In 2014, I left my job to co-found my first business Tiqany, a Boutique Facility Management company. However, I always wanted to establish a concierge service and believed there's a need for it, and in 2015 Wakilni was born. Very quickly we came to realize that there's actually more demand on delivery services from businesses and specifically small and medium sized ecommerce businesses. Since then we have evolved Wakilni into a full fledged third party logistics service provider dedicated to serving SMEs in commerce.

Trusted Magazine: What was your most challenging experience and it has changed you mindset?

Yusr Sabra: I have had to deal with many challenging experiences a long the way. One of the most recent ones is having to manage our operations through Covid. Running a company of around 100 employees, I felt a deep sense of responsibility towards everyone and their families. Being an entrepreneur, in operations, I tend to be a risk taker many times only worrying about problems when they arise ("we will burn that bridge when we get there"). The covid situation shifted my mindset, forcing me to focus on safety and mitigation.

Trusted Magazine: When you get surprised by unusual or uncertain context, what do you think of ?

Yusr Sabra: I always approach surprises and challenges as opportunities. I believe having a growth mindset is extremely essential to get through uncertainty. I also heavily rely on my support network and team, we hold brainstorming sessions whenever faced with challenging situations and we act as each other's sounding boards. Regardless the situation Im in however, I always find myself going back to the company’s values to guide my thinking.

Trusted Magazine: What s the key success factor for a female entrepreneur based on your experience ?

Yusr Sabra: The same success factors for any it a male or a female. I can not imagine being able to grow my company without a vision, passion, lots of grit and a lot of empathy for the people in my circle of influence.

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